Welcome to gPack.
gPack is a tool wirriten for package application.It written in shell script.It just only uses in gvtv,in some special sence. The follow is the basic usage .feel free to check it;)
$tar -xvf gpack.tar.gz or unzip d gpack.zip
$cd gpack
$sudo ./install-tool.sh --install to install
$sudo ./install-tool.sh --uninstall to unstall
If you're using the GitHub for Mac, simply sync your repository and you'll see the new branch.
turn into alpha1 version
some updates, as following:
:auto make and pkg actions.
9/21/2013 news:
add ZB channel for tools
9/20/2013 news:
gack-0.10 betta.
9/18/2013 news:
6. add 1,2 choice to selet platform.
5. project select addition.
4. add install-tool.sh
3. add support to add project name for the tool
2. gpack alpha
1. begin to write
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